Sunday, October 28, 2007

PSP Slim and Lite on your TV! (The TV OUT feature)

A really fantastic thing I like about the Sony PSP Slim and Lite is that it has a TV Out feature, allowing users to plug the PSP into a TV and see everything on a big screen. A PSP Slim and Lite component cable is required to do this and it's a bit hard to find.

WIth this feature, you can transfer games from the small PSP screen to a big screen TV. There’s no lag nor any drop in quality once the image reaches the TV. The games don’t output full screen, but it’s still certainly big enough to see what you’re doing from a distance. On the other hand, if you slide in a UMD movie, the display fills the screen while looking just as good as it does on the PSP. This is perfect if you have a new PSP Slim and Lite, but still crave to get your big screen gaming fix, then this is well worth the money (and the search!).

Photos: The component cable and the TV Out Port

I have read some news, however that those who has standard definition TVs said that the movie UMD playback works just fine, while game UMDs don't, because the respective TV set does not support progressive scan. The composite cable capable of playing back all PSP content - whether games or media and is on top fully compatible to all kinds of TV systems including TFT, plasma, and even older CRT. The issue is with the progressive scan, and that has nothing to do with any cable.

But what the heck? The PSP Slim and Lite is a handheld--why would you desperately want to connect it to the TV set?


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